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Compared with large-scale soybean milk machine, soybean milk stone mill has an advantage, because the volume of soybean milk stone mill is relatively small. How to choose the fan of soybean milk stone mill we want to buy at ordinary times? Next is the way Xiaobian arranges for you.
When selecting the soybean milk stone mill, we should pay attention to more comparison, combined with the working resistance of the air network, the size of the air volume and other factors, so as to ensure the stable work.
It is recommended that the air pressure and air volume should be 15 to 20% and 25 to 30% higher than the air pressure and air volume designed by the air network respectively. Moreover, in the selection of fan transmission form, we should not focus on direct transmission, and determine the appropriate transmission form according to the actual fan working parameters.
要想降低噪音及考慮到風機實際壓力、風量與其性能曲線可能出現的偏差, 一般建議風機的轉速選用2500到2700轉每分,不宜過高或者過低,這樣會影響操作。
In order to reduce the noise and consider the possible deviation between the actual pressure and air volume of the fan and its performance curve, it is generally recommended that the speed of the fan should be 2500 to 2700 rpm, which should not be too high or too low, which will affect the operation.
Choosing the correct fan of soybean milk stone mill is an important condition to ensure the normal and economic operation of ventilation system. The so-called correct selection mainly refers to the selection of fans for different purposes according to the nature and purpose of the transported gas. The selected fans should meet the air volume required by the system, and the air pressure should overcome the resistance of the system and work within the scope of economic use.
In our stone grinding soybean milk processing, we should pay attention to the personal safety of operators. During the processing of stone mill soybean milk machine, the machine is used continuously, so it needs to be cleaned continuously. If the stone mill soybean milk machine does not clean, there will be a lot of dirty things, which will reduce the quality of processed soybean milk and may also have potential safety problems.
However, the soybean milk grinding and processing plant is a large machinery plant. We should also ensure personal safety in the daily cleaning process, and we should ensure the safety of the soybean milk grinding and processing process. Before cleaning, make sure the grinder is turned off to avoid leakage caused by improper operation.
In the soybean milk grinding and processing factory, manual cleaning is impossible, especially when there are molars on the grinding roller of the stone grinding soybean milk machine, the fingers will be worn. A cleaning tool provided by the manufacturer to remove impurities from corners was injured.
We are all small in the face of safety. Everything about safety is a major event. Therefore, in the process of stone grinding soybean milk machine processing, we also need to live in a safe place. While doing a good job of protection, we also ensure the output of quality. We can talk about other contents only when the stone grinding soybean milk machine ensures the manual safety of workers.
Fan is a pneumatic conveying equipment in the production process of soybean milk stone grinding machinery. It is an essential existence. However, different equipment and processed products have different requirements for fans, so users should choose correctly when purchasing soybean milk stone grinding machinery. For more information, please visit www.kongtiaochuzu.com Com for consultation!
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