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在面粉石磨機的生產中,有效去除原糧中的雜質已成為提高成品質量的關鍵步驟,但如何才能提高清理效果呢? In the production of flour

In the production of flour stone mill, effectively removing impurities in raw grain has become a key step to improve the quality of finished products, but how to improve the cleaning effect?
The raw wheat grains processed by the flour stone mill must be clean and impurity free. If all kinds of impurities contained in wheat cannot be removed, it will greatly affect the processing effect of flour, greatly reduce the quality and taste of flour, and the impurities will also affect the service life of flour stone mill. If the impurities are not removed, no harm will be caused.
In the cleaning process of flour stone mill, some impurities that will cause equipment damage should be cleaned up, such as wheat straw, stone, gravel, brick, iron, etc. these large impurities are more harmful to the flour mill. The impurity removal equipment needs to be cleaned as soon as possible..
Secondly, the impurities that are very different from the process characteristics of the original particles are removed. Then, the impurities with little difference from the technical characteristics of wheat are treated, and more complex impurities are often mentioned here. Before the raw wheat grains enter the automatic pulverizer, first use the magnetic separator to remove the iron in the wheat to prevent the hard impurities from damaging the pulverizer.
In order to ensure the purity and quality of the raw grain entering the flour stone mill in the processing process, various impurities must be removed before the raw materials enter the equipment before processing, but the focus of removal is all kinds of dust and mustard impurities, especially for production and products. Various inorganic impurities that have the greatest impact on purity.
For the flour stone mill, if there are more than two kinds of impurities with the raw grain, when there are different impurities, a simpler and more effective method should be adopted to remove them, so as to reduce the working time. For example, the screening effect of sand and stone with particle size significantly larger or smaller than the original particle is better than that of stone remover.
In addition, the operator should note that the important accessories of the flour stone mill need to be checked. The sieve plate and sieve surface are very important and need to be cleaned frequently.
This is the relevant content of flour stone mill to effectively remove impurities in raw grain. If you have any questions, please visit www.kongtiaochuzu.com Com.
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