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  If in the use of flour stone mill once there is a problem in the end is to deal with it? This aspect is actually a lot of people are concerned about the actual problem, the more practical problem is that the staff operation must pay more attention to, because the consequences of improper operation is relatively large.
  For the current flour and stone grinding machinery, it still needs to be operated manually, and there are requirements for the skills of the operator, and it is necessary to master some operating norms before it can be formally operated. But if the operator is not firm in the knowledge of operation, some improper behavior occurs when operating the equipment, it will cause the failure of flour and stone mill machinery, and the damage to the equipment is relatively large.
  The length of use of flour and stone mill directly determines how long the enterprise can obtain profits. There are many factors affecting the life of equipment, including temperature, voltage, operation mode, technical level of operators, quality of equipment, quality of raw grain, maintenance and repair. What companies have to do is reduce the adverse impact.
  Enterprises should choose strictly trained and qualified staff to operate, in the usual operation, strictly abide by the operation rules, to avoid damage caused by improper operation of the flour stone mill. Maintenance can reduce the probability of equipment failure, ensure that it is put into production, prolong the service life.
  In particular, some large flour processing plants have high requirements for the quality of flour and stone grinding machinery itself, the skill standards of operators and the design of processing technology. In addition, flour and stone mill machinery manufacturers remind you that when you encounter problems that cannot be solved, do not adjust the equipment at will. Professional engineers are needed to solve them, so as not to cause damage to equipment parts.
  If we use the flour stone mill when there is a problem, this time immediately stop using, turn off the machine equipment, and then carry out maintenance inspection. Not to clearly heard the voice or some places have been wrong, but we still do not deal with continued to use. For more information, visit http://www.kongtiaochuzu.com.
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